15 Entrepreneurs to Follow on Twitter

Last Updated: March 31, 2021

If you could ignore all the flip flops and crazy things that they do, Twitter is an amazing source to connect, converse and to get ahead. Most of the times, the information available is too much, but is available nonetheless. All the big names have set shop in Twitter and they simply can’t stop tweeting their words of wisdom.

We thought it might be worthwhile to compile a list of interesting entrepreneurs to follow!

Rand Fishkin

Matt Mullenweg

Matt is the founder of Automattic and is widely known for spearheading the development of WordPress,  the open source CMS that powers tens of millions of websites.

Dave Winer

Marc Suster

Marc founded two companies and sold them both to Salesforce. He now has become a VC to to invest in passionate entrepreneurs.

Seth Godin

Tim O’Reilly

Tim’s company O’Reilly Books is a premier tech publishing powerhouse. He shares a lot of interesting links on a wide variety of topics worth reading about.

Caterina Fake

Guy Kawasaki

Guy used to be the Chief Evangelist of Apple. He now is the founder of Alltop, the hottest news directory online.

Jason Fried

Jack Dorsey

Jack founded two hot startups of this decade, Twitter and Square, the mobile payment platform. That’s reason enough to follow him IMHO!

Jeffrey Veen

Ryan Carson

Ryan’s latest venture is Team TreeHouse, an online video tutorial startup. His blogposts are not be missed if you are an aspiring entrepreneur.

Richard Branson

Neil Patel

Neil’s bio reads, “I’m Kind of a Big Deal”. With two hot startups under his belt- Crazy Egg and KISSmetrics – he kinda is. It’s a great feed to watch out for marketing and SEO insights.

Reid Hoffman

Following a founder of a famous social network in another popular social network is so meta! Reid’s tweets include lots of links with words of appreciation to those who deserve it!

So that’s our list! Who are you following of interest?

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