Advanced Search With Custom Fields

Last Updated: April 4, 2021

Advanced search doles out precise and accurate search results no matter how many tickets you have got in your help desk system. Many HappyFox users have witnessed a huge productivity bump with the combination of our advanced search and saved search features.

To further enhance the power of the advanced search feature, we have added the ability to search custom fields as well. So, now there are more avenues for you to filter tickets in your help desk.

For instance, earlier you were limited to the standard attributes – Assignee, Customer, Priority and Tag. Going forward, you’ll be able to include the custom fields you have created for data collection in your HappyFox instance.

Custom Field Search and Auto Suggestions

Custom Field Search and Auto Suggestions

Say, you are an electronics retailer who deals with multiple SKUs from popular brands. When a customer sends a support request, you’ve included custom fields for them to enter the product details like the manufacturer name and the model number. Thanks to our february rollout, you can include these fields to fine tune your results.

The process is downright simple and works just the way advanced search does. In the search field, enter the custom field name followed by the keyword. Separate multiple values with a comma and the tickets that meet the criteria will be displayed.

Go ahead and try this with the custom fields you have in your help desk account. We are always here in case you need a helping hand!

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