All-in-one Customer Support KPI Dashboard

Last Updated: April 6, 2021

Want a dashboard that will help you get an overall view of your customer support service? Here is something that will help you, a go-to dashboard to help any customer service professional get an overview of all the significant customer support KPIs in one place. The top 5 KPIs listed below will help analyze almost any industry with respect to customer support management. Let’s dive in to see each of the KPI in brief.


CSAT (Customer Satisfaction Score) is the fundamental KPI that determines your customer’s happiness. It is generally collected using a feedback survey, wherein the customers are asked to express an emotion (choose an emoticon/select among happy, sad, neutral choices) or score the service on a scale of 1-5. This gives direct feedback on your performance, and there is no better way to track your performance than the CSAT score.

CSAT can be measured on various parameters depending on which area you want your service to be better analyzed. The survey could be generated at the end of customer support interaction or after each response, and the questions could be around your product, team’s performance, agent’s capability or the overall service. These answers help your report give better insights about customer satisfaction.

2. NPS

NPS (Net Promoter Score) checks how likely are your customers to refer you to someone else. Similar to CSAT score, NPS is also collected using a scoring feedback system on a scale of 1-10, based on which the customers are classified into promoters (9-10), passives (7-8), or detractors (0-6). This is another vital KPI in the customer support industry. 

NPS surveys can be of two types, Relational NPS surveys are shared with customers periodically to keep a timely check on customers whereas transactional NPS surveys are sent out after each customer interaction, this allows us to track customer’s feedback about a very specific topic. It’s best to use both types of surveys to understand the customers.

Customer experience management is primarily managed using NPS score, however, NPS alone cannot offer much to customer support analysis, so complementing it with other KPIs will contribute a comprehensive overview of customer experience.

3. First Response Time

Speedy delivery is expected out of any service and customer service is no exception to this. First response time calculates the response time taken by your agents/bots to respond to the customer queries in the first instance. Most customers prefer a quick response that may not resolve their issue but keeps them engaged rather than a late response that solves their issue, however here is another take on the same,

“Your inquiry has been received” responses are standard, so wow your customers with a quick, personalized first response.”

Tim Woo

Faster, personalized responses will get your company ahead of its competition, and will set the positive first impression of your support team. Top players across the world target an FRT of 15 minutes or lower. Plotting this KPI on your report makes it easier to keep track of your performance over a course of period and thus helping you stay on track.

4. Average Resolution Time

As the name indicates this KPI calculates the time taken to resolve a customer issue, again the faster the better. This KPI determines the sweeping efficiency of your support team.

This KPI is measured in days or business hours, and it doesn’t factor in the time when your team is offline. Many might feel the need to follow the time taken to resolve specific complicated cases, however ART is generally measured as an average of a group of cases spread across a period of time. This graph’s sharp fluctuation indicates quality control issues within the team.

5. First call resolution rate

This KPI is a combination of the above two KPIs, which determines the percentage at which customer issues were resolved at the first call/contact with your team. Which in turn results in greater customer satisfaction and also helps the team to assess their efficiency.

Resolution at the first contact saves the back and forth for both the support team and the customer, thus increasing customer satisfaction and decreasing the cost spent on support. Most customer support managers primarily look at first call resolution in their reports before any other KPI, as it sums up the holistic performance of the team and briefs customer satisfaction experience in a nutshell.

A few other honorary mentions, that are worth following up in your report would be SLA breach index, Agent performance indicator and Escalation rate.

Given below is a consolidated dashboard that includes all the above mentioned KPIs, and will act as a great starting point of analysis for any customer service professional to track the performance and growth of his/her team.

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