Customer Satisfaction: Rate the smile. And the bagel

Last Updated: February 9, 2023

HappyFox blog

Have you ever been to the bagel shop right outside your office? (Who am I kidding? Of course, you have!) Have you ever wondered what the bagel seller rates his bagel on? The dough? The softness? The taste? Yes, Yes and Yes. But what about customer happiness?

For a minute, think of yourself as that bagel seller, who also happened to use HappyFox. See how good you are at your bagel business by measuring the following:

Customer service metrics

The bagel seller's guide to customer satisfaction and happiness

First response time: If someone asks for extra seasoning, how quickly are you giving it? The time you have taken to respond. Resolution time: Three people think it’s not soft enough. How many days before it’s silky soft again? Cases resolved: Track the complaints you get about your bagel each month. Reduce them. Staff performance: You might probably be your own staff. But do your customers like you? Are you nice to them? Product assessment: Say you sell 4 different types of bagels. Which of your bagel receives the least complaint? Sell more of them. Improve the quality of others.

Numbers don’t lie. So, these customer service metrics are fantastic for your bagel business. But the real test is, do they guarantee customer happiness?

Measuring customer happiness through smile(y)s

A quirky new HappyFox integration makes measuring a smile and quantifying customer happiness possible. Hively lets your customers rate the “bagel consuming experience” with smiles, instantly.  This ain’t a regular feedback survey with multiple choice questions. Your customers love your bagel, only when they smile.

Every person serving bagels chooses to send out the above smiley pack to customers he / she has served. Not after a week, not after a day. Instantaneously.

Say, you get five happy smileys, and your other waiter gets three – well, here is your comparison chart right there. Extrapolate it, make graphs and reports, go bonkers with this data. At the end of the day, all you need to do is make sure all your support staff are getting only happy smileys.

Gathering customer feedback is our key focus. In that direction, Hively is just our first step.Our future plans to close the feedback loop include integrating with softwares like Survey Monkey and Nice Reply to help you gather comprehensive feedback.

The bagel seller is the reflection of your company, and his smile is the reflection of your customer experience metrics. Make your customer support lively. Try Hively.