Quick Tip: Deactivating Staff Members

Last Updated: March 17, 2021

HappyFox blog

Customer support teams are prone to relatively high attrition. Normally, the moment a team member steps down, a new person takes over the reins. To make better use of the staff quota in your HappyFox instance, you might look for a way to delete the staff member who has just quit the company.

Deleting a staff member account would remove all historic references to ticket level actions that they have performed. To avoid confusion, we have come up with a better solution – deactivating staff members. Deactivating staff members has two advantages. Once deactivated, the person can no longer access the HappyFox instance and your staff member quota also goes up by one.

Deactivating Staff Members

Deactivating Staff Members

To activate and deactivate staff, navigate to the Staff page in the Manage section of your HappyFox instance. Activation and deactivation then is a matter of checking a box from here!